an initiative from CEBE, CENL and RAICEX
CEBE (Spanish Scientists in Belgium, for its acronym in Spanish) is a non-profit organization created by Spanish researchers for researchers in general or anyone interested in science. Our objective is to create and consolidate a communication channel, in which our ideas, opinions and needs as a scientific community can be heard.Learn More

The Association of Spanish Scientists in the Netherlands, in Dutch Spaanse Wetenschappers in Nederland (CENL-SWNL), is a non-profit association created by and for Spanish scientists living and working in the Netherlands, which seeks to consolidate a common space where to share ideas, support us in our stay in the country and promote collaborations in the scientific field between Spanish and Dutch institutions.Learn More

RAICEX is the network of Spanish scientists and researchers abroad and today it groups 21 associations in 5 continents! RAICEX aims to promote the exchange of experiences and knowledge among Spanish researchers and scientists abroad and all actors within the Spanish System of Science, Technology, and Innovation. It serves as an advisory body and a catalyst for international collaborations.Learn More